苏办公室,(334)833-4515; news@hawks.十大菠菜靠谱平台.edu
阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利市 .—十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 welcomes eight new full-time undergraduate faculty as the College prepares for the opening of the fall 2023 semester, 周一, 8月7日. 根据十大菠菜靠谱平台院长J. 卡梅伦西, 这些教员代表了音乐和政治科学项目的补充, 除了英语中的新面孔, 心理学, 还有宗教项目. 第九个新教员,Dr. 维多利亚亨德森, will serve as head athletic trainer 和 will teach 和 serve as director of preceptor development in the College’s Master of Athletic Training program.
“我们非常高兴地欢迎这些新教员, 谁带来了在各种规模的机构任教期间积累的丰富经验,韦斯特总统说。. “One constant among our alumni of any age 和 class year is that they will tell you that they learned from wonderful faculty while they were here, 他们珍惜与这些教员的关系, 谁也是导师和朋友.”
“Among the faculty we introduce this year are two new full-time faculty in the 音乐 program as we rebuild the vocal 音乐 和 音乐 education 项目, post-COVID, 和 answer the call for more faculty in response to our growing b和s 和 numbers of instrumental students,韦斯特总统说。. “与我们的新乐队总监一起工作的是. 安东尼Vittore, 还有他的助理导演, 在过去的三年里,我们增加了强大的音乐师资队伍, we look forward to Smith Hall humming with new 和 even louder 和 more exciting 音乐 as these programs grow. 除了, we are pleased to add a full-time faculty member in history 和 political science this year in response to dem和 from that program, 他为这些项目带来了宝贵的国际经验和视角. 在英语节目中, our new faculty continue to build strength in our undergraduate writing 和 creative writing programs. 在宗教方面,博士的加入. 快乐摩尔, 享有国际声誉和地位的学者, is a tremendous opportunity for our students 和 for the United Methodist learning community in general. 在心理学中, our students will benefit from a new faculty member who is a licensed behavior analyst 和 who brings not only teaching experience but also working experience in the field of behavioral 心理学.”
Dr. 肯特维. 身体 加入十大菠菜靠谱平台担任心理学助理教授. Dr. 身体 earned his Doctor of Philosophy 和 Master of Science degrees in experimental 心理学 at Auburn University 和 his Bachelor of Science degree in 心理学 at Utah State University. He served as president of the Southeastern Society Association for Behavior Analysis in 2022 和 taught on the faculty of Alabama State University 和 Georgia Southern University before stepping into the role of clinical director for Growing Independence Behavioral Services (GIBS), 学习树, 在蒙哥马利.
Dr. 威廉Hayter earned his Doctor of Musical Arts degree in clarinet performance at Texas Christian University; Master of Music in bass clarinet performance at Codarts, hoeschool voor de Kunsten, 在鹿特丹, 荷兰; Master of Music in clarinet performance at Texas Christian University; 和 Bachelor of Music in 音乐 education at the University of Houston, 优等生. 他以音乐助理教授的身份加入十大菠菜靠谱平台, 理论与木管乐器, 在德克萨斯路德大学任教后, 塔兰特县学院, 中西部州立大学, 和基尔戈学院, 以及德克萨斯州的初中和高中水平的学校. 他曾在美国为观众表演, 加拿大, 比利时, 法国, 荷兰, 波斯尼亚, 芬兰, 和西班牙.
Dr. 快乐J. 摩尔 会担任宗教的客座讲师吗. Dr. 摩尔 earned her Doctor of Philosophy degree in practical theology from Brunel University/London School of Theology in London, 英格兰. She earned her Master of Divinity at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary 和 Bachelor of Arts in elementary education 和 mathematics at the National College of Education in Evanston, 伊利诺斯州. 寻求提供机会,让基督徒的希望得到解释和实践, her academic appointments have included vice president for academic affairs 和 professor of biblical preaching at Luther Seminary; associate professor of practical theology at Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University; assistant professor of preaching 和 founding associate dean for the William E. Pannell Center for African American Church Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary; 和 associate dean for lifelong learning at Duke Divinity School, 在其他任命中. 她曾为《十大菠菜靠谱老平台》杂志撰写文章, 《十大菠菜靠谱平台》杂志和《十大菠菜靠谱平台》. 每周都可以在“讲道脑波”播客上听到她的声音.
Dr. 威廉·C. 帕尔默, 语言文学讲师, comes to Huntingdon from a position as visiting assistant professor of English at Bucknell University. 他在密西西比大学获得了英语哲学博士学位, 奥本大学英语文学硕士, 并在伯明翰南方学院获得英语文学学士学位. 他的专长是种族与文学、音乐与文学、声音研究和现代主义.
Dr. Christopher " Chris " B. Primiano 会担任历史和政治学的助理教授吗. Dr. 普里马诺获得了博士学位.D.获得罗格斯大学理学硕士、文学硕士和文学学士学位. 他曾在圣. 奥拉夫学院, 亨特学院, 蒙特克莱尔州立大学, 和罗格斯大学, 曾在宁波诺丁汉大学担任助教, 中国. He served as director of the 中国 和 Central Asia Studies Center for KIMEP University in Kazakhstan, 并担任KIMEP国际关系和区域研究系的助理教授.
艾米·里德尔, 语言文学讲师, earned her Bachelor of Arts in English 和 Master of Fine Arts in creative writing at the University of Alabama, 她是那里的研究生诗歌研究员. 她的论文获得了文理学院的创意论文奖. 自1991年以来,她一直担任大学讲师. 里德尔曾在西北佛罗里达州立大学担任教授, 作为西佛罗里达大学的兼职讲师, 并担任阿拉巴马大学的研究生助教. She has served as poetry editor 和 managing editor for the Blackwater Review 和 as director 和 lead writer of NWFSC’s Quality Enhancement Plan.
Dr. R. 斯科特·塞克斯顿 joins the faculty as assistant professor of 音乐 education 和 director of choral activities after serving as a lecturer of choral 音乐 at Troy University, 他在那里指挥特洛伊大学合唱团, 合唱团音乐会, 还有其他合唱团. 他在特洛伊大学获得了音乐教育学士学位, 密西西比大学音乐教育硕士, 并获得奥本大学声乐/合唱教育博士学位. 他还指挥过合唱团,并在圣. 安德鲁圣公会学校和杰克逊的麦克威利小学, 密西西比州, 并担任艺术总监, 导体, 也是密西西比女孩合唱团的钢琴伴奏. Dr. 塞克斯顿获得了在匈牙利学习的旅行补助金, 马其顿, 和加纳, 西非, 并于2019年入围密西西比州年度最佳教师的决赛. 他接受过柯达教学法的训练.
劳伦Veazey, 2015年在十大菠菜靠谱平台获得数学学士学位, 回到母校担任数学讲师. She earned a Master of Education at Auburn University at Montgomery 和 has taught mathematics at Billingsley High School since 2015.
十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 is a coeducational residential liberal arts college of the United Methodist Church offering more than thirty undergraduate 学习计划 , an 荣誉项目 , 总统奖学金计划 , Kingswood倡议 ,合唱和器乐 音乐 项目, 跳舞 和 欢呼 团队, 学生组织 包括希腊生活和校园事工,21 ncaa - III分部 体育团队 和男女同校 的电子竞技 ,将于2023年秋季推出. 学院还提供运动训练硕士学位.
十大菠菜靠谱平台,根据第九章和第106节.根据1972年教育修正案第九条,2020年最终规则第8条, 其他适用的联邦和州法律, 并说明学院的政策禁止基于性别的歧视. 类似的, 它禁止基于实际或被认为的种族的歧视, color, 种族, 性别, 性别认同, 性取向, 残疾, 宗教, 其教育计划的年龄和/或国籍